Tuesday, 15 November 2011

While you were away..

While you were away
I shed tears  like a palaash tree in autumn
longing for spring to return.

While you were away
I rose each day like a  desert farmer
 wishing for a good monsoon.

While you were away
I wavered with no compass to guide me
in the turbulent tempests.

While you were away
I lost my smile like
a mother who loses a son in a battle.

While you were away
I broke the dams of my eyes
and drenched in the agony of uncontrollable rains.

While you were away
I had no symphony
as I ruined the musical piece I had created.

While you were away
I turned into a  melancholy
and merged silently into the  pathos of tragedy.

While you were away
I  missed you like
someone skips a heartbeat.

I wish the palaash tree red fiery flowers.
I hope the desert farmer lives his hope.
I crave for the internal battle to end.
I need the dams to be restored.
I desire the strings of my heart to create music again.
I want to change the course of my tragedy.
Yes,I do see
I see the light at the end of the tunnel.


  1. Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible and I know you deserve the best

  2. Ummeedo se bhari poem...........gud one

  3. yes ...hope is necessary in this kind of bleak world..thx vaibhav n manish for the appreciation.
