Saturday, 24 September 2016

My sword

The Night has dawned
The Day has set
I hear your buzzing voice
In the drumming of crickets.
The  moody moon like an imposter,
Playing hide and seek
With the clouds;
Is yelling your name
In my ears.
I bring out
a moment from
the faint frail memory
And I give it a name-
My sword, my knight.

The trees darkened
by the shadows speak
nothing but a strange
the fight -within and without me.
Let me walk
on the cutting edge
of the sword
and see-
Is the knight
an armour
 or I need an armour against him!!


  1. Long time follower, first time commenter. Your poetry effortlessly captures the pathos of life.

    1. Your way of seeing the world is beautiful. That tells that not everyone is made of blind souls. Highly obsessed with you maam.

    2. Thanks a lot ��Souls are ever seeing ever feeling entities !! I'm sure you have a beautiful one too��

  2. Ma'am your writtings please me alot. ��
